Anders Hallberg

Anders stands out from the crowd. Not because of his towering height or his swathes of long blond hair, but due to a directing style so striking and powerful it's impossible to ignore. His high fashion work is impactful, sexy and consistently jaw-dropping, yet he's also a master of story-telling, his skills: bringing real world characters to life and making the briefest moments shine.

Having spent his childhood in a Swedish hippie-commune Anders was suitably awoken to the workings of the inner-mind before setting off on what would prove to be a very memorable journey. He began his immersion in the world of film when he was only 18 years-old; developing craftsmanship which is underpinned by a strong human understanding and an ability to weave sharp, touching stories.

His unique treatment of beauty of eye for capturing distinctive, arresting imagery has seen him work with agencies such as adam&eveDDB, Spark 44, TBWA and JWT as well as major brands like Lexus, Range Rover, Ikea, VW, Gucci & Cartier. He carries a prestige that is manifest in his award-winning work and in the glowing testimonials of his myriad celebrity clients.
